mardi 8 mars 2016

Trump ou Cruz, le peloton d'exécution ou l'arsenic (Washington Post)

Le titre est plutôt évocateur... Alors que plusieurs rejettent déjà Trump, des sénateurs républicains pourraient-ils se rapprocher de Ted Cruz? Entre deux maux...

 "That tune changed, however slightly, after Rubio’s disappointing showing in the Super Tuesday states left Cruz clearly in second place, with the best chance of overtaking the bombastic Trump.

In some circles, Republicans are choosing the arsenic over the firing squad.

“I don’t think Trump is a Republican. I don’t think he’s a reliable conservative. Ted Cruz and I have a lot of differences, but I do believe he’s a conservative, I do believe he’s a Republican,” Graham told reporters last week. “Marco would be my preferred choice. I think he’s far more electable, but, you know, we’re going to play the hand we’re dealt here.”

No endorsement has been forthcoming, and on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Graham expanded on the theme to say there is “some hope with Ted, no hope with the Donald” with regard to Republicans winning the White House."

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