lundi 18 avril 2016

Pulitzer: une récompense honorable?

Aussi prestigieux qu'on le croit le prix Pulitzer? Retour sur l'origine du prix et le processus de sélection.

 Un extrait:

"Arbitrariness infects the whole journalism award racket, making every contest something of a fraud. How depressing it is that journalism, a craft dedicated to truth, could allow itself to be part of such a laughable lie. Some of the biggest and nicest names in journalism have advanced its cause as jurors and board members. I direct maximum abuse on the Pulitzers because its history and standing have given sanction to the many lesser frauds. I punch up at the same time that I punch down."

 Et plus loin:

 "The Pulitzers operate under a cone of secrecy, and this has long inspired conspiracy theories about how the selection process works. In the early 1980s, Los Angeles Times media reporter David Shaw amassed and evaluated the theories in an entertaining excavation he later collected in his book Press Watch. Shaw heard of logrolling for votes; historical domination by eastern papers; that it had become captive of the New York Times; that sentimental votes are cast for repeat finalists because it was deemed “their turn” to win; and that the prizes now balance the distribution of prizes by geography, circulation, race and gender to dispel the criticisms that they favor eastern papers, large circulation papers, whites and males."

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