lundi 2 mai 2016

Obama et la conciliation travail-famille

Comme l'actualité au Québec tourne autour de la démission de Pierre-Karl Péladeau et que celui-ci invoquait des raisons familiales, j'ai pensé que cet cet article du Washington Post présentait un certain intérêt. Vous vous souvenez de la photo qui coiffe ce billet? Les filles du couple Obama étaient bien jeunes lors de la victoire de 2008 et après huit années à la Maison Blanche, Malia, la plus âgée, quittera bientôt le nid familial pour entreprendre des études universitaires. Facile de concilier la vie de couple et la vie de famille quand on dirige les États-Unis?

 "Obama’s daughters have had a unique childhood. They are among the youngest to have grown up in the White House in modern times. Amy Carter was 9 when her parents moved into the White House, and Chelsea Clinton was 12. Both drew a fair amount of attention, but interest in the Obama girls was intensified by an increasingly ravenous media climate and their historic role as the first black children to grow up in the White House. By delaying her college enrollment for a year, Malia may escape some of the media coverage that follows a sitting president’s family.

The Obamas tried to keep their daughters out of the limelight and give them the space to be kids, said Anita Dunn, who advised Obama during the 2008 campaign and later served as his White House communications director. “It was one of the cardinal rules of the campaign, and the few times we transgressed those rules we got the message and never did it again,” Dunn said.

The Obamas took pains to protect their daughters’ images and, to some extent, curate it. The first lady warned her daughters from a young age about the risk of “bratty” moments being caught on video and going viral, she has acknowledged in interviews. It never happened in video form, but both Malia and her sister were photographed rolling their eyes while enduring their father’s corny jokes during the annual White House turkey pardoning."

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