mardi 3 mai 2016

Ted Cruz abandonne

J'évoquais cette possibilité plus tôt aujourd'hui lors de ma chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi". Cruz s'accrochait à un mince espoir de rattraper Trump en Indiana.

 "Cruz is now 0 for the last 7 contests and stumbles into the final month of the primary calendar with no momentum, a new low in favorability and a growing aura of inevitability around his chief rival. A remarkable 91 percent of Republicans, according to a CNN poll released Monday, said they now expected Trump would become the Republican nominee.

“He wanted a one-on-one with Donald Trump the entire election and he got it and he lost,” said Keith Nahigian, a Republican strategist who managed Michele Bachmann’s 2012 campaign. “If you're the true conservative alternative to Trump, they're not buying it, so quit selling it and close the store.”

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