vendredi 3 juin 2016

Hillary bombarde Trump

Toujours embêtée par son rival démocrate Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton attaque Donald Trump avec vigueur depuis deux jours. Hier elle s'inquiétait de l'accès aux codes nucléaires. Elle en profite pour mettre à l'essai quelques angles d'attaque.

 "Trump has said contradictory things about nuclear arms. During a December primary debate, he said the U.S. must be "extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear," adding that "the biggest problem we have is nuclear proliferation, and having some maniac, having some madman go out and get a nuclear weapon."

More recently, Trump has seemed to shrug his shoulders at the idea that more countries might acquire nuclear arms in the near future, something he said in a CNN town hall in April "is going to happen anyway." He has even shown clear support for admitting certain new members to the nuclear club: “Wouldn't you rather in a certain sense have Japan have nuclear weapons when North Korea has nuclear weapons?” he asked during the CNN event. (Also at the forum, Trump flatly stated that he does not favor a nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia, contrary to Clinton's assertion Thursday.)"

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