vendredi 3 juin 2016

Michelle Obama s'attaque à Donald Trump

Profitant d'une allocution devant les finissants du City College in New York, Michelle Obama n'a pas manqué de souligner les faiblesses de Donald Trump. Sans jamais le nommer, elle a pointé plusieurs des attitudes ou des actions du candidat républicain en affirmant ce que le tout ne représentait pas ce que sont les Américains.

 "The greatness of the United States, she mused, has "never come from folks who climbed the ladder of success or who happened to be born near the top and then pulled the ladder up after themselves."

"No, uh-uh," she continued, to applause. "Our greatness has always come from people who expect nothing and take nothing for granted, folks who work hard for what they have and then reach back and help others after them. That is your story, graduates, and that is the story of your families. And it’s the story of my family, too.”

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