mercredi 1 juin 2016

Voisins séparés par la frontière canado-américaine et la sécurité accrue

Il y a quelques petites localités qui chevauchent la frontière canado-américaine et si les mesures de sécurité à la frontière peuvent conférer une certaine confiance, plusieurs considèrent que c'est de plus en plus lourd à porter.

 "Surveillance has grown stricter and more intrusive all along the 3,900-mile lower-U.S.-Canadian frontier since Sept. 11, 2001, creating a continent-wide gulf that many argue reflects a political parting of ways, as well — American conservatism vs. Canadian socialism, as defined by Canada’s universal health care, maternity leave, tough gun laws, and subsidized day care and higher education.

But the burden borne by the Vermont-Quebec communities is unique. Residents linked by intermarriage, blood relations and, in many cases, dual citizenship are now separated by an invisible but hardening wall. Neighborhoods that once shared schools, sports facilities, doctors and churches in a kind of free-flowing human commerce have retreated to their own sides of the border."

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