vendredi 18 novembre 2016

Jared Kushner: le gendre à l'image de son beau-père?

On parle de plus en plus de Jared Kushner dans l'entourage de Donald Trump, mais peu de gens le connaissent en dehors du monde de l'immobilier à New York.

 "To people in the real estate community who have done business with Kushner — who presides over his father’s business empire and owns The New York Observer, a small Manhattan newspaper — the deal represented a snapshot of how he operates: as a political and policy novice who trusts his own judgment and vision and isn’t scared to plow ahead even when he knows little — much like his father-in-law, Donald Trump. Kushner is soft-spoken, mild-mannered, even a bit shy. But in New York City real estate and media circles, former colleagues and business associates paint a picture of a son-in-law who has much in common, under the surface, with the brash and braggadocious president-elect.

People who know Kushner say that like Trump, he sees himself as an outsider who, despite his Ivy League pedigree, scoffs at intellectual and cultural elites, and believes that, despite a mixed business track record, he possesses a “golden touch.”

 Kushner — who married Ivanka Trump in 2009 at the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey, with the bride wearing an Ivanka Trump Collection six-carat cushion cut ring on her finger — is now poised to play a powerful role in his father-in-law’s White House. Whether he decides to take a job inside the administration or not, he will be one of a small circle of people who have the president’s full trust and his ear."

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