vendredi 18 novembre 2016

Trump offre la Sécurité nationale à Michael Flynn

Les adversaires de Donald Trump ne pourront reprocher à Flynn son manque d'expérience, mais ils vont assurément remettre en question ce qu'on appelle poliment un "caractère abrasif". Loin d'être populaire sous l'administration Obama (Flynn a durement critiqué le Président à plusieurs reprises) il avait étonné l'année dernière en se rendant à Moscou pour ensuite paraître aux côté de Vladimir Poutine.

 "As a decorated military intelligence officer and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn has deep experience to draw upon as he serves as Trump’s principal point of contact with the State Department, the Pentagon and a collection of U.S. intelligence agencies that have surged in power and influence since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

“This is a guy who has the president’s trust, has credentials with the military, credentials with the intelligence community and credibility with Congress,” said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Ca.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. “He’s a very serious person. He takes his job very seriously.”"

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