mardi 10 octobre 2017

Donald Trump et l'obstruction de la justice: le point

Nous ne disposons pas encore de la totalité des faits, mais nous savons déjà que l'accusation d'obstruction à la justice est une des accusations qui pourraient être avancées dans une procédure de destitution. Ce n'est pas le seul angle de l'enquête de Robert Mueller, mais déjà il y aurait matière à déposer des accusations dans ce dossier. Le point selon Jennifer Rubin dans le Washington Post.

 "In sum, it is hardly a stretch to conclude that evidence will be found to support an obstruction charge. Frankly, there’s an argument that we already have a great deal of it. The insistence that Trump is in no legal peril and may be cleared by the special counsel (different from concluding that he cannot be constitutionally prosecuted) increasingly appears to be a matter of self-delusion and bad lawyering on Trump’s behalf. The obstruction “brief” should scare the daylights out of those Trump supporters, family members and aides who are smart enough to appreciate the voluminous evidence that may be marshaled against the president."

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