mercredi 11 octobre 2017

Eminem déclare la guerre à Donald Trump

Avons-nous atteint le fond du baril des guerres de mots? C'est au tour du rappeur Eminem de critiquer le Président de manière vulgaire et virulente. Eminem comme "caution morale" aux États-Unis?


 "The rapper Eminem performed a freestyle takedown of President Trump on television Tuesday, calling out the hypocrisy of his extravagant travel, his bumbling incompetence, and his disrespect for a POW before dubbing him “Donald the bitch.”

The performance was perhaps the most prominent instance of a white celebrity defending the NFL players protesting the killing of African Americans by police officers."

And the flagrant disrespect the entertainer showed for the president felt like karma, and not just because Trump has called the protesting NFL players sons of bitches. Recall that during last year’s Republican primary, Trump was able to excel in part by taking advantage of the fact that he had no respectability to maintain, no sense of shame or decency to limit him, and no reputation for good character to lose."

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