lundi 2 octobre 2017

Saturday Night Live a raison: Trump et la théorie du chaos

Dans une de ses désormais célèbres imitations de Donald Trump, le comédien Alec Baldwin fait dire à son personnage que le chaos qu'il provoque est planifié. Étourdir les gens pour qu'ils se lassent et qu'ils délaissent les événements? Que ce soit planifié ou non, les controverses se multiplient à un rythme insoutenable et elles sont souvent provoquées par Trump lui-même.

"Trump even stunningly dubbed the images of Puerto Ricans suffering as "fake news." To Trump, the fact that, according to CNN, 10 days after the storm more than 90% of the island still has no electricity and only 10.7% of cell phone towers are working is not nearly as alarming as it sounds. And in a move that would've made Marie Antoinette blush, Trump sent all those Puerto Rico-related tweets while at his private country club in New Jersey."

 "In fact, it seems Trump has caused more chaos than many hurricanes have. Just look at his Saturday tweet storm slamming the Mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz. Mayor Cruz had made an emotional plea on Friday seeking help for the people of Puerto Rico. But apparently Trump viewed her plea as ungrateful so he lashed out on Twitter claiming she showed "poor leadership" and outrageously alleging she and others in Puerto Rico "want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

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