lundi 2 octobre 2017

Tuerie de Las Vegas: peut-on éviter que ça se reproduise?


 La pire tuerie de l'histoire d'un pays qui connaît sa large part d'incidents du même genre. Plus d'Américains sont morts dans de genre de tueries que pendant toutes les guerres qui ont impliqué les États-Unis (en incluant la guerre de d'indépendance et la guerre de Sécession). Une fois de plus on se demande ce qu'il faut faire pour freiner ce fléau. Nicholas Kristof du new York times propose huit avenues à envisager.

 "Skeptics will say that there are no magic wands and that laws can’t make the carnage go away. To some extent, they’re right. Some criminals will always be able to obtain guns, especially in a country like America that is awash with 300 million firearms. We are always likely to have higher gun death rates than Europe.

But the scale is staggering. Since 1970, more Americans have died from guns (including suicides, murders and accidents) than the sum total of all the Americans who died in all the wars in American history, back to the American Revolution. Every day, some 92 Americans die from guns, and American kids are 14 times as likely to die from guns as children in other developed countries, according to David Hemenway of Harvard."

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