vendredi 23 février 2018

Donald Trump annonce de lourdes sanctions à l'endroit de la Corée du Nord

Ivanka Trump est arrivée en Corée du Sud au moment où l'administration de son père annonce de nouvelles sanctions contre le régime nord-coréen. Nous sommes déjà loin du rapprochement entre les deux Corées au début des Jeux Olympiques.

 "President Trump announced the “heaviest” set of U.S. sanctions against North Korea on Friday as his administration redoubles its efforts to starve Pyongyang of resources and force the isolated regime to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

 “We imposed today the heaviest sanctions ever imposed on a country before,” Trump said at the close of a wide-ranging address to a conservative political conference.

 The new measures target 56 vessels, shipping companies and other entities that Trump administration officials believe are used by North Korea to conduct trade prohibited under previous sanctions.

Significant advances in its missile and nuclear weapons programs have made North Korea the most pressing foreign threat facing the Trump administration."

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