lundi 19 février 2018

Les États-Unis ne sont plus une démocratie (Yascha Mounk, The Atlantic)

Cet article est tiré du livre de Yascha Mounk intitulé "The People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It.".  L'auteur y présente beaucoup de réflexions pertinentes dont la portée ne se limite pas qu'aux États-Unis.

 "It is true that to recover its citizens’ loyalty, our democracy needs to curb the power of unelected elites who seek only to pad their influence and line their pockets. But it is also true that to protect its citizens’ lives and promote their prosperity, our democracy needs institutions that are, by their nature, deeply elitist. This, to my mind, is the great dilemma that the United States—and other democracies around the world—will have to resolve if they wish to survive in the coming decades.

We don’t need to abolish all technocratic institutions or merely save the ones that exist. We need to build a new set of political institutions that are both more responsive to the views and interests of ordinary people, and better able to solve the immense problems that our society will face in the decades to come."

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