samedi 24 février 2018

LA C.I.A. et le complot pour éliminer Fidel Castro

Il y a peu on dévoilait toute une série de documents entourant l'assassinat de John K. Kennedy. Si les conspirationnistes ont obtenu bien peu d'informations permettant d'étayer leurs nombreuses thèses, POLITICO rapporte aujourd'hui de nombreux renseignements concernant les plans visant à éliminer le leader cubain Fidel Castro. Mafia, sexe, gadgets, Ian Fleming n'aurait pas fait mieux pour son James Bond.

 "The unholy marriage of the CIA and the Mafia in the Castro plot first became public knowledge in the mid-1970s, amid congressional hearings into the agency’s misdeeds and a growing national paranoia about the JFK assassination. Not until 2007 did the agency finally admit that Allen Dulles, its legendary director a half-century earlier, had agreed to a sizable bounty for the two gangsters in exchange for Castro’s head. But for more than a decade, the plot was known to only a few.

 The story begins in the late 1950s, when America’s postwar confidence was suddenly rattled by the Soviet Union, which adopted Castro’s revolutionary government as a political satellite. By August 1960, the CIA’s top leaders had launched their plan to get rid of the pesky young Castro, according to a 1967 inspector general’s report stamped “Secret Eyes Only.” The policy to get rid of Castro had been initiated under President Dwight D. Eisenhower and was embraced by Kennedy when he took office in 1961. (Historians debate how much both presidents knew of the CIA’s precise plans). Reluctant to get blood on their own hands, CIA officials called for “a sensitive mission requiring gangster-type action.”"

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