mercredi 1 août 2018

Bob Woodward publie un livre sur Donald Trump

Si le livre "Fire and Fury" de Michael Wolff a suscité beaucoup d'intérêt, la méthodologie de l'auteur et la fiabilité de ses sources ont nui à la crédibilité du propos. On attend donc avec impatience la sortie du livre du célèbre Bob Woodward avec impatience. Woodward est sérieux, méticuleux et respecté. Le livre intitulé Fear: Trump in the White House sera disponible dès le 11 septembre.

 "Trump allies said they are bracing themselves for a book that will enrage the president — and that he will therefore promote, intentionally or not. Trump’s rage tweets, in the past, have helped to boost book sales, while his promotional tweets about books that depict the administration in a positive light — including those by former aides like Sean Spicer and Fox News allies like Judge Jeanine Pirro, as well as lesser-known fans — have failed to move the needle in the same way."

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