dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Deux américaines de confession musulmane au congrès en novembre prochain?

L'attention est concentrée sur le contrôle de la majorité dans la couverture des élections de mi-mandat, mais deux femmes pourraient marquer l'histoire.

 "Neither candidate ran in a district that has a sizeable Muslim voting bloc—Omar’s district is primarily white, while Tlaib’s is predominantly African American—though that’s an assumption both have encountered. (Dearborn, a heavily Arab suburb, is just outside Tlaib’s district, as are many of the Somali communities near Omar’s.)

“Political pundits would like to have a conversation about how people like me are elected by people who look like me,” Omar says. “But the reality is that we were elected because we were the best candidate in that race. We are proud of our identities—and we are proud of the fact that we are issue-oriented, and we care about making positive changes and pushing aggressively for progressive agendas that lead to prosperity for all of us.”


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