mardi 23 octobre 2018

Donald Trump intarissable sur les migrants

En pleine campagne électorale, le thème de la sécurité à la frontière permet au président de ramener un de ces thèmes de prédilection. Ce sera difficile pour les Démocrates de convaincre certains Américains qu'ils peuvent les protéger en utilisant un autre discours que celui du président, même si celui-ci ment ou qu'il exagère la menace qui pèse sur son pays. On ne fait pas dans la nuance quand on a peur...

 "Trump himself believes the caravan images are so politically potent for Republicans and so damaging for Democrats, people who have spoken with him about the approach said that he’s vowed to bring up the caravan wherever and whenever he can, even when he isn’t being prompted by others. “There is now video on TV screens that matches the feeling on the ground that the president has felt for the past three years,” said a person familiar with the polling reviewed by Trump's team.

Republicans have come to believe that any time the immigration issue becomes about the border and border security — rather than immigrant "Dreamers" or a mix of more complex related topics — it’s a victory for them. “The vast majority of Americans worry that our border isn’t secure, and that criminals, gangs and drugs are coming into the country across the border — and the images of this mass of people basically tearing down fences to enter Mexico only reinforce those concerns,” said GOP pollster Chris Wilson."

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