lundi 29 octobre 2018

Quand on se détourne de la démocratie

Un topo qui devrait favoriser une sérieuse réflexion sur la démocratie. En avons-nous encore envie? Si ce désaveu d'un régime que nous favorisons depuis le dix-huitième siècle touche tous les groupes d'âge, il est inquiétant de constater qu'il touche beaucoup les jeunes.

 "Young citizens today are more skeptical of democracy than their parents were at the same age. As we pointed out in an earlier article for Journal of Democracy, published this July, this trend is especially striking in the United States, where an illiberal “cohort shift” is evident over time, and across a range of survey items. The next chart, for example, compares the number of Americans of different generations stating that it would be a “fairly good” or “very good” idea to have “a strong leader” rather than “parliament and elections” in 1995 and in 2011. Younger cohorts are simply more likely to agree with this anti-democratic point of view. In the last survey, almost half of millennials expressed approval for a “strong leader”."

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