vendredi 19 octobre 2018

Le problème Hillary

Après avoir perdu une élection gagnée d'avance Hillary Clinton est toujours présente dans les médias. Plusieurs Démocrates sont embêtés par sa présence et ne savent pas comment la récupérer. Pour ma part il y a déjà un certain temps que j'avance que le couple Clinton devrait se retirer.  Si leur bilan montre de belles réussites, il contient également une trop grande part d'ombre que Donald Trump peut aisément récupérer pour galvaniser sa base.  Et puis, le temps est venu de passer la main, de renouveler cette formation politique.

 "Democrats watching Clinton’s moves are conflicted about what to make of her post-candidate public life. On the one hand, they argue, Clinton’s attacks on Trump, and interviews that inevitably revisit the transgressions of the 1990s, are widely seen as unhelpful to the Democratic Party at this juncture—a selfish pose for someone whose approval rating hasn’t budged above 38 percent since the election, and who remains a ready target for Trump to use to whip up his base.

“Just guessing this isn’t the story Democratic candidates were looking for in the homestretch of the midterms,” David Axelrod, a former top adviser to President Barack Obama, tweeted in response to Clinton’s answer about Lewinsky.

 On the other hand, some Democrats say, why should the woman who won the popular vote in 2016—62,523,126 votes, to be precise, the biggest number of votes in history with the exception of President Barack Obama—be silenced at a time of great public discourse? Why is it only Hillary Clinton, not Joe Biden or John Kerry or even Bernie Sanders, for that matter, who is seen as so tarnished by a presidential loss that she must sit silent on the sidelines?"

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