mardi 23 octobre 2018

Élections de mi-mandat: l'avance des Démocrates n'est pas significative

Si on a parfois parlé de vague démocrate pour la chambre des représentants, ce sondage Washington Post-Schar School poll indique que l'avance est loin d'être confortable. Les courses sont serrées et plus que jamais il est important de faire sortir le vote.

 "The latest survey shows only a marginal change in the race during October, with 50 percent currently supporting the Democratic candidate in their district and 47 percent backing the Republican. Candidates from the two parties collectively are running almost even in 48 contested congressional districts won by President Trump in 2016, while Democrats hold the advantage in 21 competitive districts won by Hillary Clinton. The Democrats’ lead in those Clinton districts has narrowed a bit since the beginning of the month.

The overwhelming majority of the districts surveyed — 63 of the 69 — are currently represented by a Republican in the House. Collectively these battleground districts voted strongly for Republicans in the 2016 election. The fact that the margins today are where they are illustrates the degree to which the GOP majority is at risk but also the fact that many individual races are likely to be close. Democrats need to gain a net of 23 seats to take control of the chamber."

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