jeudi 11 avril 2019

Détester Assange mais le défendre malgré tout?

L'auteur de ce texte sur le site du magazine "The Atlantic" énumère toute une liste de raisons pour ne pas apprécier Julian Assange, mais à la fin il insiste pour le soutenir.

 "The combination of an ideologically-motivated (rather than financial) whistleblower with firsthand knowledge of the material they give alongside the editorial judgment of major outlets forms the bedrock of public interest journalism. Any attempt to swing the needle against that, or to criminalize it by tying it to hacking on a technicality, threatens quality journalism and threatens the free media. More simply than that, while Julian Assange may deserve punishment for other things he is accused of having done in his life, he does not deserve to be punished for what he published in 2010. Barring some new and major revelation, neither extradition nor prosecution over his work with WikiLeaks is merited."

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