mardi 2 avril 2019

Le gouvernement de Porto Rico incompétent pour gérer l'aide fédérale (Donald Trump)

Nouvelle charge du président américain contre les dirigeants de l'île. Alors que les élus démocrates du sénat bloquent un budget dans l'espoir d'obtenir une aide financière accrue pour les habitants de l'île, Donald Trump exagère le montant de l'aide déjà accordée et dénonce les piètres résultats de l'administration en place. La meilleure chose qui pouvait arriver à ce territoire selon le président? L'élection de Donald Trump!

 "Trump has previously complained about the cost of the recovery effort in Puerto Rico, which was battered by a pair of hurricanes in the fall of 2017 that left much of the island devastated and without power for months after. The government’s response was widely panned compared to disaster relief efforts in places like Florida and Houston, which were also slammed by powerful hurricanes that year.

The president has faced accusations that his administration was not prioritizing disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico as much as in red states like Florida and Texas, claims that were compounded by reports that he planned to divert relief funding for Puerto Rico toward his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, an idea that faced fierce bipartisan pushback."

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