jeudi 18 avril 2019

Obstruction à la justice: le rapport Mueller embêtant pour le président

Si la publication du rapport Mueller est une étape important, il ne constitue pas la fin de ce feuilleton. Il y a suffisamment d'informations pour permettre aux Démocrates de gruger l'os jusqu'à la présidentielle 2020. Au-delà de la récupération partisane, il est malgré tout inquiétant de lire sur les pratiques de cette administration.

 "One implication of the report is that Trump may have escaped a finding that he obstructed justice only because his top aides refused to carry out his most dramatic orders. Indeed, Mueller’s team describes several of Trump's actions as satisfying all the legal elements of obstruction.

The 448-page report is the culmination of a nearly two-year-long investigation that has cast a shadow over Trump’s time in office as questions swirled around whether Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow intermediaries to sway the 2016 election, and whether the president tried to impede an investigation into the matter.

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