vendredi 6 mai 2011

Condoleezza Rice défend toujours le bilan de l'administration Bush en Irak

Intéressant retour sur la guerre en Irak par l'ancienne Secrétaire d'État Condie Rice. Si vous cliquez sur le lien, vous aurez également droit à des extraits vidéos de ses déclaration.

""Saddam Hussein was a threat, he had used weapons of mass have not focused on the fact that Saddam Hussein had been a threat to the United States of America, to the Middle East, since he invaded Iran. Now we made the wrong call then, and we supported him against Iran. He then became a more monstrous threat. After 1991, shooting at our aircraft in the no-fly zone that was supposed to be keeping his air force on the ground. Trying to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction. Breaking out of the sanctions through the scandalous oil for food program. Yes he was a threat. With or without mature weapons of mass destruction, he was a threat. And nothing of value is ever won without sacrifice, of course the lives lost will never be brought back. But an Iraq that is not a threat to invade its neighbors, not a threat to reconstitute its weapons of mass destruction, not a threat to pay Palestinian terrorists as suicide bombers, that is going to be a better Iraq and a better Middle East. And so, in fact, I think that what we did in Iraq will be demonstrated by history to be an important part, an important pillar, of a new Middle East.""

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