Le débat d'hier ne regroupait pas les noms habituels chez les républicains. Point de Palin, de Romney ou de Huckabee. Cela ne signifie cependant pas que nous n'entendrons pas les autres candidats dans un proche avenir. Parmi les candidats présents hier, on retrouve Tim Pawlenty. Certains observateurs croient qu'il pourrait se démarquer... Pour 2012 ou pour se faire connaître avant 2016?
"In the first of what will be many debates in the 2012 Republican presidential nominating contest, the task facing Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty was simple: to come across as someone who could plausibly be seen as president of the United States and to avoid making any major gaffes.
Pawlenty appeared to succeed on both fronts in Thursday night's debate in Greenville, S.C., which was sponsored by Fox News and the South Carolina GOP.
Considered to be well positioned to compete for the nomination, though he lags far behind in early polls, Pawlenty shared the stage with four long-shot contenders: former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, businessman Herman Cain and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson.
Other possible top-tier candidates, including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, skipped the debate as they work to delay the start of the official campaign and -- in Huckabee and Palin's case -- continue to mull their decisions about whether to run at all.
Pawlenty appeared poised and well rehearsed as he spoke authoritatively on subjects ranging from the war in Libya to what he called the Obama administration's "preposterous decision" to file a lawsuit to stop Boeing from opening a plant in South Carolina -- a line that earned hearty applause from the state's Republican governor, Nikki Haley.
Pawlenty sprinkled his policy remarks with frequent mentions of his working-class background growing up in a small Minnesota meatpacking town, which he used to personalize his message on the economy. "I saw the face of job loss in my hometown and even in my own family," he said."
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