Quelques infos sur les "croyances" de plusieurs américains...
"The notable thing is, according to the Pew Research Center, 41% of Americans (including plenty of politicians) believe in the Rapture. They don’t all necessarily believe in a specific date. Just that it will happen and most likely before 2050. So basically, 41% of Americans believe sometime in the next 40 years – it’s over.
Which is fine. I don’t care in the slightest what myths people believe. Whether it’s reincarnation, ghosts, chupacabras, yoga or the free market – it’s totally ok with me. Pluralism is a mark of true freedom – of a free society. As Americans we can hold all sorts of beliefs and still at the end of the day (or End of Days) be American.
So if you agree that Camping’s firm date and preparations for Judgment Day were silly – and that having wacky convictions are acceptable in a free country – then you can agree that believing we are in the End Times is fine – as long “End Times” isn’t our environmental policy.
There’s an adage, “Trust God, but lock your doors.” How about, “Believe in the Rapture, but still plan for the future.”
With that being said: Climate change is real.
Weather is to an inch as climate is to a mile. Meaning: Climate is the big picture, and weather is what’s happening on The Weather Channel. Meaning: Winter is not evidence against the Earth’s warming.
Patterns of extreme weather are caused by climate change. And 100-year floods every decade and devastating tornadoes don’t care what you think about Al Gore’s PowerPoint presentations. Unless you own stock in an oil or coal company, then still doubting the glaciers are disappearing, is denying against your own interest.
The weather doesn’t care if you believe in global warming, don’t believe in global warming or do but don’t think it’s caused by human activity. Weather kills indiscriminately, regardless of opinion.
According to reports, despite any climate change deniers, FEMA is still preparing for more floods and bigger hurricanes. Which, dare I say it, is smart government planning: Listen to scientists."
Texte de Tina Dupuy: http://blog.cagle.com/2011/05/regardless-of-belief-climate-change-is-real/
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