mardi 17 mai 2011

Gingrich soulève les républicains... Contre lui!

Il ne restera bientôt plus que Mitt Romney au train où vont les choses...
"It's unusual, to say the least, for a presidential candidate to have a defining campaign moment on Week One of the campaign, but Newt Gingrich never disappoints: Right out of the box on Sunday TV, fresh from his presidential announcement, he declared the House GOP plan for Medicare "right-wing social engineering." Then he went on to explain how he still supports individual mandates in health care -- despite the fact that the mandates are the key to the Republican attacks on the president's health care law.
Just another day on the Gingrich campaign, in which the candidate throws gasoline on a fire. And then walks into it.
Privately, one source close to Gingrich says, "he immediately understood what he had done and was worried."
What he probably didn't get is just how bad the fallout would be.
Outraged Republicans erupted in unison (don't forget: nearly every House Republican voted for this Medicare plan). Gingrich, of course, had to spend the next day backtracking, re-explaining, defending, parsing and, er, restating his complete devotion to the House budget chairman's "model" and his unequivocal opposition to President Barack Obama's health care plan. And, for a measure of good luck, he blamed the media, describing himself as a victim of "beyond gotcha" politics.
If anyone played "gotcha" here, it was Gingrich -- on himself, and on the Republican Party."

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