mardi 10 mai 2011

Islam: une période historique?

Regard froid et critique de MICHAEL KNOX BERAN sur le site du National review online. Les derniers soulèvements ne signifient rien... Je ne partage pas l'avis de l'auteur, mais la lecture mérite un petit détour.

"Yet however tumultuous the events may be, Islam seems unlikely to undergo the reformation its most generous hearts and intelligent minds desire. The revolutions in the Arab states more nearly resemble the abortive ones of 1848 than the successful ones of 1989: Only the identity of the ruling cabals is likely to change. Osama is dead, but his cult and myth live on. He has already been enrolled by many Muslims in the register of their martyrs, while others piously approach his house in Abbottabad as they would a reliquary shrine."

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