Court portrait de celui qui se fait tirer l'oreille...
"Ten years on, Daniels, now teetering on the brink of a presidential bid, is the repeated target of tongue-lashings from Rush Limbaugh, who this week blasted the "boring and moderate" Indiana governor as the favorite son of Washington elites who are out of step with today's conservative movement.
So which is it? Is Daniels a squishy middle-of-the-road dealmaker with little regard for Tea Party activists and social conservatives in his own party?
Or, as his supporters claim, is he a proven and brilliant conservative who just happens to be a really nice guy?
"His style is not to give a red-meat speech," said Al Hubbard, a longtime confidante to the governor who originally recommended Daniels for the budget post under Bush. "He is a problem-solver. Mitch is the kind of person who will identify the problems, prioritize them, and he will address them. I wouldn't say that it's moderate or conservative. It's leadership."
As Daniels nears a final decision on whether to enter the race for the GOP presidential nomination - some Iowa Republicans say he must join the race by the second week of June to build enough support before the pivotal Ames Straw Poll in August - his small but loyal team of advisers is eagerly highlighting his achievements in seven years as governor.
Few conservatives can quibble with his accomplishments."
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