mardi 17 mai 2011

Obama et "l'effet Ben Laden"? Pas de retombées pour 2012 selon Gallup

"The May 5-8 Gallup poll, conducted after the death of Osama bin Laden, did not pick up the same rally effect in support for Obama's re-election as Gallup Daily tracking has found in the president's job approval rating.
The two-percentage-point increase in support for Obama's re-election over the past month, from 41% in the April 20-22 poll to 43% today, is not statistically significant. But the seven-point rise in Obama's overall job approval rating across the same two polls, from 47% to 54%, is.

The latter increase almost certainly reflects the modest rally in Americans' approval of the president after last week's announcement that U.S. military forces killed bin Laden in Pakistan. Gallup Daily tracking documented a six-point increase in Obama's overall job approval rating in three-day rolling averages before and after the May 1 announcement, from 46% to 52%. His approval rating has since stayed above 50%."

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