Suite aux pressions du groupe Corporate Accountability International, qui demande le départ à la retraite de la célèbre mascotte, la réaction du WSJ... J'aime bien la section sur la responsabilité personnelle. Ronald n'est pas responsable de tout!
"We're fat. Our kids are fat. Our grandchildren are fat.
A watchdog group called Corporate Accountability International proposes a solution: Let's scapegoat a clown. Let's get Ronald McDonald fired.
"Marketing can no longer be ignored as a significant part of this massive problem," the group said in ads placed in major newspapers last week, advocating Ronald's retirement after nearly 50 years.
The group helped end the career of smokin' Joe Camel for luring kids to cigarettes. Now it's aiming for McDonald's "Chief Happiness Officer" for slipping kids a little grease and hooking them on junk food.
The group took its complaints to the McDonald's annual meeting on Thursday, but CEO Jim Skinner defended the hamburger harlequin as "an ambassador for good."
To blame Ronald for lifetime addictions to high-fat, highly processed foods is to deny personal responsibility. And if they get Ronald, who is next? Chuck E. Cheese, the plastic-faced Burger King and that pigtailed brat, Wendy.
Yes, like most corporate clowns, Ronald has a dark side. But he delivers wondrous delights at a low price. The dollar menu has become staple fare since the recession began in December 2007, wiping out millions of jobs. And the coffee drinks are cheaper than at Starbucks, which uses a siren on its logo to send folks crashing on the rocks of caffeine addiction.
The golden arches have been truly golden. Sales are up, earnings are up and even "McJobs" are plentiful. McDonald's interviewed for 50,000 openings last month. And its stock has soared from the $50s in 2007 to the $80s today.
Ronald shouldn't be getting the boot. He should be ringing the bell on the New York Stock Exchange."
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