jeudi 5 mai 2011

Spike the football!

Après un éditorial dans un journal de Chicago en début de semaine, c'est au tour du Boston Herald de demande la divulgation des photos du corps de Ben Laden. Le ton est un peu plus dur cette fois...

ust when the nation seemed to have fallen in love all over again with the gutsy, decisive leader in the Oval Office, the old Barack Obama was back again, refusing to release the photos of a dead Osama bin Laden because they might be inflammatory.

It’s not that we have a pressing need to look at bin Laden’s head blown open as we sip our morning coffee. But why is this president forever second guessing how the rest of the world, particularly the Muslim world, will react? Brave Navy SEALs gave the murdering bastard exactly what he deserved and the rest of the world should know that too. The message clearly ought to be that you mess with the United States, you kill innocent civilians and sooner or later we’ll get you. There is a price to be paid.

And what better way to send that message than to show the world bin Laden on a plank, ready to be turned into fish food.

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