Si on peut comprendre les hésitations de l'administration Obama face aux soulèvements du "printemps arabe", certains observateurs sont beaucoup plus durs. Comme dans cet article du Boston Globe...
"“The defining characteristic of the Obama administration’s response to revolution in the Arab world has been its slowness,’’ the Washington Post editorialized last month. Nowhere has this diffidence been more pronounced — or less defensible — than in connection with Syria.
Under the 40-year rule of the Assads, Syria has been distinguished only for its sociopathic foreign policy and its unremitting hostility to the United States. During the Cold War, it was a reliable supporter of the Soviet Union; today it is a close ally of the brutal theocracy in Iran. It undermines and destabilizes Lebanon, which it regards as a part of “Greater Syria.’’ It is an implacable enemy of Israel. It actively supports Hamas and Hezbollah, the Middle East’s deadliest terror organizations. It violates nuclear non-proliferation agreements, and with North Korea’s help constructed a plutonium-producing nuclear reactor. And during the US war in Iraq, it dispatched thousands of jihadists to kill American troops.
If ever a government deserved America’s contempt and condemnation, the Syrian government does. If ever a popular uprising deserved American encouragement, the Syrian uprising does. Yet the Obama administration, which (eventually) pressed Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak to resign and (belatedly) condemned Moammar Khadafy’s violent onslaught against protesters in Libya, remains indecisive and incoherent on the ferocious Assad crackdown in Syria."
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