dimanche 8 janvier 2012

Candidat mystère chez les républicains? Pas impossible mais...

L'ancien conseiller des présidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan et Clinton évoque divers scénarios pour la suite des primaires républicaines. Je vous présente l'extrait dans lequel il analyse la possibilité de voir un nouveau candidat entrer dans la course.

 "Someone else enters the campaign (10% chance or less).

Normally, this late in the game, a new entrant to the contest would be the stuff of science fiction. But conservative voters seem to be singularly dismayed by the choices in front of them: as CNN's Erick Erickson tweeted last night, "Typical of email I'm getting: 'If you put a gun to my head and said Romney or Santorum I would say pull the trigger.'" Who would step into the fray? One hears voters pining for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (unlikely to join, especially after endorsing Romney) and some have floated Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (who endorsed Perry). Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush would be a strong candidate, but that may be a tough sell to Bushed-out voters only four years after the conclusion of his brother's presidency. Would a candidate who jumped in this late even have a path to victory? Perhaps. The early primaries and caucuses are richer in symbolic significance than they are in delegates, especially with the new rules prohibiting winner-take-all allotment of delegates in the early states. And even with such a late jump on fundraising and organization-building, a candidate who was able to rack up a string of impressive victories in the middle- and later-term primaries could theoretically build up a big enough head of steam to take the convention by storm while making use of the Internet and earned (read: free) media coverage to play catch-up on money and organization. The late-entrant scenario is still a dark horse at best, but even the fact that it's within the realm of possibility underscores the reason Democrats are quietly cheering last night's outcome: the GOP is still, at best, a party that's looking for a standard-bearer -- or, more dangerously for their 2012 prospects, a disunited collection of smaller groups of voters still pushing their own."


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