jeudi 12 janvier 2012

Le sul qui puisse battre Romney est... Gingrich. (Ari Fleisher)

Je crois que voter en faveur de Gingrich serait une grave erreur pour les républicains, mais l'analyse d'Ari Fleischer, ancien porte-parole de la Maison blanche de 2001 à 2003, est très intéressante. Fleischer est un des analystes les plus intéressants dans la couverture des primaires sur CNN.

 "There are now just two people standing between Mitt Romney and the GOP presidential nomination -- Newt Gingrich and Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire financier of Newt's super PAC. All the other Republican candidates have faded, like Jon Huntsman, or they're about to fade, like Rick Santorum whose hot Iowa hand didn't last, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, whose decision to stay in the race is a South Carolina dream come true for Romney, and a real setback for southern politician Gingrich. Gingrich, despite his many faults, is the only contender with enough stature to make this an ongoing race, especially with his friend's money keeping his hopes alive. But for Newt to have any chance of stopping Romney, two things have to happen. First, everyone else needs to drop out (with the exception of Ron Paul, whose base is so independent that his appeal to voters in the remaining primaries, many of which have limited or no participation by independents, is diminishing before our eyes.) Second, Newt has to make the tough, personal decision that he's in it for the long haul."

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