mardi 10 janvier 2012

New Hampshire: Équipe Obama en mode attaque!

Pas question de laisser tout le plancher aux républicains. L'équipe d'Obama, comme ce fut le cas en Iowa, passe à l'offensive.

 "Think Team Obama is sitting quietly on the sidelines as today's GOP primary unfolds in New Hampshire? Not so fast. The president's reelection campaign team bought up big ad space to run an 'Obama 2012' promotion around the front page of the Granite State's major newspaper, the Union Leader. Obama's team pulled the same stunt two weeks ago, on the day of the Iowa caucus. The cover story on Iowa's Des Moines Register was flanked by a blue 'Obama 2012' banner ad. Unlike the Iowa ad, today's also takes a dig at the Tea Party. "New Hampshire Primary Results: The Tea Party Agenda Wins! FIGHT BACK," it reads."

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