lundi 16 janvier 2012

Obama et Romney à égalité (sondage Fox news)

Ce n'est qu'un sondage, mais ce sera intéressant d'observer la tendance si Romney écarte tous ses rivaux républicains après la Caroline du sud...

 "President Barack Obama and Republican front-runner Mitt Romney are locked in a statistical tie, according to a new national poll Monday. In an Obama-Romney race, 46 percent say they would vote for the president, while 45 percent say they would back Romney, the Fox News poll finds. But the president enjoys more positive support than the former Massachusetts governor, with 74 percent of his supporters saying they would be voting “for” Obama and 21 percent saying they would be voting “against Romney.” Among the GOP hopeful’s supporters, just 33 percent said they were “for Romney,” while a whopping 58 percent said their vote was more “against Obama.” The poll finds Obama beating other GOP candidates by big margins — Obama leads Newt Gingrich by 51-37 percent, and Rick Santorum by 50-38 percent.

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