mardi 10 janvier 2012

Pourquoi la Caroline du sud sera plus importante que le New Hampshire

J'ai déjà abordé cette question la semaine dernière. Une victoire dans un état conservateur pourrait signifier le "couronnement" de Romney. Point de vue dans le Washington post!

 "Put simply: The Republican primary race will come to a fork in the road in South Carolina. A win by former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in the Palmetto State effectively ends the GOP nomination fight. A loss by Romney likely means a protracted primary fight that continues through Super Tuesday on March 6.

Conversations with South Carolina Republican strategists — and there are lots and lots of them (the Palmetto State may have more political consultants per capita than any other state in the union) — suggests the former path is the most likely at the moment.

“Romney wins unless something huge happens,” said one unaligned operative with deep experience in the state. “South Carolina is the first state that actually believes they are voting for a president and not electing a state party chair or sending a message. That attitude will significantly help Romney.”

The reality of the South Carolina vote, according to a number of well-informed GOP observers, is that it really amounts to two primaries in one."

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