dimanche 15 janvier 2012

Stephen Colbert et ses chances en Caroline du sud

Dans un effort de ridiculiser certaines certains aspects du processus électoral ainsi que pour ajouter son grain de sel aux primaires républicaines, Stephen Colbert souhaite faire campagne en Caroline du sud. Pour ce faire, il a confié le contrôle de son "Super Pac" à son complice Jon Stewart. Les deux humoristes nous réservent sans doute quelques moments savoureux...

 "Stephen Colbert technically has no chance of winning the GOP primary in South Carolina -- but that's not stopping him from insisting he can.

The Comedy Central host recently transferred control of his super PAC to fellow network host Jon Stewart, so that he is now legally free to explore running for president in his home state of South Carolina.

The move was largely prompted by a survey from Public Policy Polling that showed Colbert has more support than former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who is actually running for president.

But as the South Carolina Republican Party has insisted, Colbert has no chance of winning if he does decide to run.

 "South Carolina state law does not allow write-in ballots in presidential primaries. There is no 'blank' space on voting machines to write-in a candidate," said South Carolina GOP Executive Director Matt Moore. "Stephen Colbert has about as much a chance at being elected president in South Carolina as he does of being elected Pope. Zero. It didn't work four years ago, and it won't work now. The gag is worn out."

South Carolina GOP Chair Chad Connelly told The Huffington Post that one upside of Colbert's stunt could be that "maybe some of his audience will watch some of our candidates and learn they're better than Obama and we get some votes out of it."

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, Colbert refused to believe it was impossible for him to run.

 "They say I can't get on the ballot in South Carolina?" he said. "They said you can't go to the moon. They said you can't put cheese inside a pizza crust, but NASA did it.""

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