lundi 15 octobre 2012

Campagne de financement: Obama presse-t-il trop le citron?

Culpabiliser l'électeur pour lui soutirer quelques dollars de plus?

 "The Obama campaign is now resorting to bill-collector language to rouse folks on its email list who haven’t donated — a tactic that’s sparked some sharp blowback even among supporters.

 A campaign email sent over the weekend provides the recipients with their customized “online giving history” that includes a 10-digit “supporter ID number.” That’s followed by a list of the recipient’s “most recent online donation” and “total amount donated online.”

 “It looks like you haven't made an online donation to the campaign yet,” the email continues. “If you were waiting for the last minute, you're pretty much there.”

In a season of countless campaign emails, this one seemed especially strident — even to seasoned professionals like Scott Goodstein, external online director for Obama’s 2008 campaign.

 “The Obama team is smart and tests everything, but while squeaking out a little more cash, is it worth it if it turns off base supporters that are reading your narrative and doing the hard work?” Goodstein said. He described the appeal as “a ‘collection-style’ bill from the campaign's auditor.”

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