vendredi 4 janvier 2013

John Boehner: toujours speaker, mais...

On sentait la grogne des républicains les plus conservateurs lors des dernières négociations entourant le précipice fiscal. Non seulement Boehner devait-il négocier avec le Président Obama et ses collègues du Sénat, mais il tentait aussi d'éviter la mutinerie dans ses propres rangs à La Chambre des représentants. Lors de l'assermentation des nouveaux venus à la Chambre hier, il a sauvé son poste par une faible majorité...

 "Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio was narrowly re-elected speaker of the House on Thursday amid open dissent from conservatives on the House floor that signaled that the turmoil and division of the 112th Congress is likely to spill into the newly constituted 113th.

 Mr. Boehner, in his opening address to the new House, indicated that the Republican majority would make the federal debt and deficit its singular focus. He also delivered a blunt message to those he sees as more interested in stirring dissension and scoring political points than in being constructive.

 “If you have come here to see your name in lights or to pass off political victory as accomplishment, you have come to the wrong place,” an emotional Mr. Boehner said, calling for the House to focus on results. “The door is behind you.”

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