mardi 19 novembre 2013

Harry Potter et les timbres de la division

C'est à compter d'aujourd'hui que les services postaux américains mettent en vente vingt timbres commémorant le célèbre personnage d'Harry Potter. Le choix de ce personnage ne fait pas l'unanimité et il marque une rupture avec le processus de sélection habituel. Jusqu'à maintenant c'est un comité formé d'experts de différents milieux qui déterminaient le choix des personnages et/ou événements. Les services postaux américains ont contourné ce comité plus d'une fois dernièrement et les collectionneurs se questionnent maintenant sur les retombées des nouvelles décisions. Des choix trop "populaires" qui ne visent qu'à augmenter les revenus?

 "The dispute caps more than a year of friction between the Postal Service and the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, named by the postmaster general to help make sure that the Amer­ican experience is properly ­portrayed. The committee has grown increasingly disaffected over how the agency’s marketing staff has pushed pop culture at the expense of images that could prove more enduring.

 Set up as a filter between the postmaster general and the public, which petitions the Postal Service for about 40,000 stamp subjects and designs each year, the committee includes such eminent Americans as historian Henry Louis Gates Jr., former American Film Institute president Jean Picker Firstenberg, and Olympic swimmer and sportscaster Donna de Varona. A former postmaster general, a top Smithsonian Institution official, graphic designers and philatelists also belong.

 Its mission is to ensure that stamp subjects “have stood the test of time, are consistent with public opinion and have broad national interest.”

 For one of the only times in its 56-year-history, the committee was not consulted in the decision to put Potter and his friends and foes on the run of 100 million “forever” stamps."

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