mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Obamacare peut fonctionner.

Enfin de bonnes nouvelles pour l'Affordable health law...

 "There are states that are running their own websites and enrolling a lot of people, way more than the amateur-hour federal website that serves most of the states. Medicaid enrollment, another part of the law, is going significantly better than the signups for private insurance — nearly 400,000 people were determined to be eligible in October. (Understanding Obamacare: POLITICO's guide to the Affordable Care Act)

And nationally, 1.5 million people applied for health coverage in October — suggesting that there’s a lot more potential interest than the 106,000 who got all the way through the federal and state Obamacare websites to select a private health plan.

 So what do the bright spots tell us about the future of Obamacare? They certainly don’t tell us that the rollout is going well. But they do suggest that it’s not impossible for the law to work, health care experts say — because if it really were impossible, it wouldn’t be working anywhere.

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