mercredi 20 novembre 2013

L'Afghanistan demande aux États-Unis de reconnaître les erreurs militaires

Le retrait des troupes américaines approche à grands pas, mais des négociations se déroulent toujours au sujet de la présence américaine à long terme pour mener à bien la lutte au terrorisme. La dernière demande du gouvernement afghan doit être analysée dans le contexte de ces négociations. On exige rien de moins qu'une lettre du Président Obama.

 "As described by Mr. Karzai’s spokesman, Aimal Faizi, the letter would be tantamount to an apology, though he did not use that word. But not even that would be enough to ensure the final passage of a security agreement the United States had pressed to have in hand before next year. The Afghans have made final approval subject to an Afghan grand council of elders, a loya jirga, that is to begin meeting on Thursday, and aspects of the security deal remain deeply unpopular with the public.

 The White House spokesman, Jay Carney, would not confirm details on Tuesday, but he nodded to the potential deal-breaking potential of the meeting. “There are ongoing negotiations,” he said. “I would simply say this agreement is not reached until it goes through the loya jirga.”

 The 11th-hour discussions were the latest lurch in a start-and-stop negotiation process that has exposed raw feelings between allies, and has also highlighted Mr. Karzai’s taste for public brinkmanship.

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