mardi 26 novembre 2013

La famille américaine: une définition qui évolue

À l'approche du Thanksgiving, fête familiale par excellence aux États-Unis, le New York Times se penche sur l'évolution de la famille. On en arrive à un profil particulièrement varié et souvent surprenant.

 "Researchers who study the structure and evolution of the American family express unsullied astonishment at how rapidly the family has changed in recent years, the transformations often exceeding or capsizing those same experts’ predictions of just a few journal articles ago.

 “This churning, this turnover in our intimate partnerships is creating complex families on a scale we’ve not seen before,” said Andrew J. Cherlin, a professor of public policy at Johns Hopkins University. “It’s a mistake to think this is the endpoint of enormous change. We are still very much in the midst of it.”

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