jeudi 5 décembre 2013

Benghazi: enseignant américain tué

Un texan qui enseignait à International School Benghazi (ISB) a été tué par un tireur pendant sa séance de jogging. Benghazi effectue donc un triste retour dans l'actualité américaine.

 "A security official, speaking on Libyan television after the shooting, said the authorities had not determined the motive behind the attack. “The assassination of the American teacher is a continuation of a series of assassinations that the city is going through,” the official said.

 Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi three years ago, has been troubled by assassinations and militia violence ever since and was the site last year of the attack on the American diplomatic compound that killed the United States ambassador J. Christopher Stevens."

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