mardi 3 décembre 2013

Obamacare: la Maison Blanche repart à l'attaque!

Si les problèmes affectant le site internet de l'Affordable care act ne sont pas entièrement réglés, la situation actuelle permet au Président Obama et à son équipe de recommencer à défendre la pertinence de la loi. Après deux mois de moqueries et de remises en question, parions qu'Obama avait drôlement hâte de démontrer que son projet contribue à améliorer la vie de américains. Et n'oublions pas que les élections de mi-mandat approchent...

 "Obama won’t declare the website fixed during Tuesday’s event. White House officials acknowledge still isn’t working as smoothly as it should, and that this renewed messaging push will run alongside efforts to make further repairs to the insurance marketplace and to target key populations for enrollment. But he will return to a theme he first pursued in October: Obamacare is more than a website.

“What the White House is doing is what the White House had hoped they would spend the last two months doing, which is going out, selling the law, selling the benefits of the law,” said a former Obama adviser who framed the shift as a sign of White House confidence. “The fact that they feel comfortable doing that is a healthy sign for the president but also for the long-term benefits of Obamacare.”

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