mardi 3 décembre 2013

Soins de santé et hôpitaux: 1600$ pour trois points de suture!

Les factures des hôpitaux sont particulièrement salés ces jours-ci et toujours à la hausse. Les administrateurs seraient-ils responsables? La réponse est beaucoup plus complexe...

 "The main reason for high hospital costs in the United States, economists say, is fiscal, not medical: Hospitals are the most powerful players in a health care system that has little or no price regulation in the private market.

 Rising costs of drugs, medical equipment and other services, and fees from layers of middlemen, play a significant role in escalating hospital bills, of course. But just as important is that mergers and consolidation have resulted in a couple of hospital chains — like Partners in Boston, or Banner in Phoenix — dominating many parts of the country, allowing them to command high prices from insurers and employers.

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